First Attempt Tuctaway in 2010
Read Part 1 first here.
The first planning application on the site was lodged on 15 July 2010 with Tendring District Council. The documents relating to this application (10/00819/FUL) can be found here. It is worth noting that the trees on the western end of the plot were subject to Tree Preservation Orders (TPOs).
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Tuctaway in 2013 |
One correspondent, (the elderly resident of Tuctaway, Jaywick Lane, Clacton On Sea, Essex CO15 2DR), wrote in with a NEUTRAL comment, but the basis for this neutral stance is not clear as their comment is marked as being unavailable.
Tuctaway was sold on 23 October 2013 for £143,000. Interestingly, Tuctaway has since become part of the scheme involving Grove Cottage and Willow Park Farm.
To return to the planning application of 2010 (10/00819/FUL). A sketch plan of the proposed building works is shown below.

This application, for the "demolition of existing dwelling and erection of 12 x 3 Bed detached bungalows and garages thereto", was refused. The officers decision report is date June 2011, so it took nearly a year for a a decision to be made.
This may partly have been due to the number of comments received from the public. As mentioned above, the application was refused. If would would like to see the reasons in detail for this, please see the documents on the Tendring District Council Planning web pages.The main reasons given for refusal were:
"This proposed design solution is bland and fails to create a sense of place."
"No tree survey or report has been submitted with this application to allow a proper assessment of the immediate impact of the proposal on protected trees or the extent to which obstruction to daylight and sunlight reaching the proposed residential properties has the potential to harm the long-term viability of the trees (taking into account future growth). A drawing entitled 'Root Protection Plan' has been submitted, but this does not mark Root Protection Zones in the correct position."
"....the development also fails to respect the existing character of the area."
The fact that there was no ecological survey of the site did not bode well either.
This was all summarised as:
"...the proposal is unattractively designed, not in keeping with the surrounding area, and threatens trees protected by Tree preservation Order. Consequently the proposal would harm visual amenity....."
"..that "an initial scoping or extended Phase 1 habitat survey should be conducted to assess the site and the results of this used to inform (the need for) subsequent species specific surveys". No such information has been provided with this application."
The architects for the scheme were Paul Newbold Planning and Building Design Services of Clacton-on-Sea.
The developers were not to be put off, however, and they returned with a different scheme some time later. This will be the subject of my next post......